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spirit of Tane Mahuta, Giant tree,angel poem

Note people at foot of tree Signature Poem O Great Ghost tree of time tree of the gulf. In anticipation I come into your Warmth, your crown, your birds your fragrance your Cleverness your grandeur. Reach out to the World mesmerized , and sleeping. Lay your gentle leaves upon eyes and ears that they may come to know the Lightness, Rejoicing and Pith.

Spirit of Paihia

a shell sounds across the waters Conch. Deep blue fish play in the turquoise sea. Afternoon. a native arises from the trunk of a tree. Maori. Gulls sing and soar. Breakfast is in. Rocks speak. Islands praise. Dawn comes in. Halo.

drina age 51

for Drina age 51 the sun is shining the air is sweet. I know an angel by their feet. silver slippers, golden bow, blessings of love they bestow. corny eh!!! signature depicts an ancient door through which the plant called Life, is growing,out of the Love and Kindness of the ancestors (blue)

for Michael Jackson, angel poem

He dance. They danced. His song lives on. His Joy, his breath, lives on, lives on. Angels applaud as heaven grows richer by his passing. yet here I stand I will not regret the tears that fall when his voice I hear. in the Magic Eye of a Storm he dances. He dances in the rhythm of the stars in Lights, and fire of candles, and in harmony of grass, leaves shaking. he strides across the Night Sky, the wind flutes his Melody, and this Giant takes his place amid the tears and the laughter, Proud.

Wharahine poems 1/9/09

for Evie age 19 months an angel came down from above. she held my hand, I was walking. She made me laugh. I tickled. She smiled. I smiled. a song was singing, a very long song. All day and all night I listened to the angel singing her song ‘Flower’ (later I found out she had just learned to say the word ‘flower’) for Corie age 16 when love and laughter mix and fruit trees grow strong angels sing and dance from daylight till dawn songs of hope, songs of joy, songs of peace, that it may be a source of strength for all who pass Grace-ful-ly. for Abbe age 2 rain falls down. an angel rises up. a snail finds its way. little birds are singing. grass is growing strong. Love is in the Day, and in the Night. for Ryan age 6 in the olden days flowers grew tall and filled with love, and perfume. an angel and a dove on a boat sailed together. such are stories such are so

More Wharahine poems -Wharahine sunset

Wharahine sunset

Spirit of Minniesdale hall- wharahine

Signature below depicts Hall (emerald diamond) and rolling of hills in background Spirit of Wharahine hall laughter rings out across time across space. angels are dancing and playing. Music is the Soul of Life and yet growing goes on quietly in the Silence. In years to come when snow falls, the Eagle’s Light with welcome news will challenge us to a New Day of dawn. across time and space purple victories will live on as memories in the heart of a Maker’s Hands

Marsh Farm _Wharahine

for Marsh Farm Wharahine. every little reckoning every blade of grass every drop of mercy every heart that shines, drinking of the royal waters in the shades of time. Underneath the arbor, underneath the cairn, an angel sleeps, is waiting for a glorious rise. Suns are shining, waters moving, winds do as they wish. I kneel and feel the Earth itself can one day be like this. another day will blossom. out of the old, another moment will come and breath will be freed for Life. Least of all the Pah can take me cross the Green, where Nature holds her Music delightful if there seen. I long for Sun, I long for Wisdom. A prayer fulfilled would make this Day, each day Joy.

Lavender Hill-home of Kay and Murray Fairweather

a grain of sand drips in the hourglass of the morning dew on the blades of the new grass. an angel welcomes a day. rainbows of gold spun from webs and weavers from songs, of celestial cities, dragon’s breath and kissing. tall trees, woolly waters sailing ships like ghosts. old tyres, new calves, lines of force wrap hills. Colour fades immortal sunset. Rest assured Night is falling.

for Savanna age 9

a swan glides gracefully across a calm sea a lady brings a basket to a child an angel holds out its hand in welcome. Innocence a star moves across the sky. All things great and small listen in the night to the quiet voice of hope echoing in the skies across Ages.

Know you are Soul.

May you always see the angels. May you always ride their wave. May the blessings of the Yore be upon you. May you shine. In the lastness and the Stillness is a light, a beacon to the souls travelling fast together. You are not alone. The sun is shining Each ray is so pure And each soul rides on these rays to the Heart’s central core, of Love. Know you are Soul.

For Eire age 4

down come the drips, drops. each an angel singing swinging Each a little globe lighting up the world. Soon, peace on Earth.

in honour of Ashlyn, passed on 5 months

Ancestor Earth. Let all who come by witness Life. Each gracious breath is held High. Each precious moment pure joy and then fades as a wave only to rise again in a New Way. Ancestor Earth.

For stella age 13

Only stars and diamonds stand before you. Of all the delicate-sies of life soars TRUE-LOVE. Above all questions it soars, with angel-speed and god-willingness. Above clouds, above oceans, above tumult it soars and calls to the Heart ‘find me, I am yours.’ Lay down your cares. Lay down your miseries, and take up this cause, TRUE-LOVE. A life meanders, and challenges appear. An angel walks with you a mentor, to open doors when required. to guide you to the challenges, hard some may seem but easy with that hand that is in your hand. no longer forbidden to Rise and Rise.

for Jo age 51

when hearts are whole and breath lingers on, an angel with a flower loosens the lips and talk runs free. Earth is made Home, to Light

for boy 3years with cancer

in all things there is a way, a truth and a divide. Peace overflows, and wisdom follows. An angel comes, melting, hearts . As with magic wand, flowers appear and rain. And roses light up the skies , and the whole Earth.
For B, 44 Travelling high Bending low Across the ground  and within the soil. Diamonds do not shine so bright as when they glow like you. An angel in festive attire  dances in the moonlight. Fairies bring baskets and gifts. Elves hide in roots and smile. A tinkling is heard. A magic carriage appears. Journeys begin.

For Sarah, passed on

Poem for sarah on the wing of a dove is her sign as she flies Home to her place in the Truth. Peace is her aim. Harmony her goal. Follow that bird Let your hearts soar. All shall be released. All shall be revealed.
For Riina age 33 A land is sweet with milk and honey and ice. Overflowing love And joy oozes. An angel rides across skies blue and dusky. Out of the wind explodes a message ‘Day is breaking’ New day, opens hearts everywhere. Touches truth to awaken. Awaken little children Greet the day. She replies; Thank you. I read this poem at night, and after that I went to sleep. I had a dream about sand. I saw ground full of grit. I kneeled to look at it closer and I thought: this is the sand I want to cover my yard with. Then I noticed something: sun was shining through little stones. They were not gray and black, they were shining in all colours. I picked up a dark stone, and the sun shone through it. It was not black, it was rich in colour. My hands were full of colourful stones, and I felt surprised and happy.
For Michelle via Amy An angel appears with a platter a gift to offer. This gift knows no bounds has no strings. This gift belongs to you as your heart belongs to you. Receive and be joyed. Rainbows and music abound sounds of the skies and the trees tasks of divinity clothes of the goddess shoes of the saints footfalls of the redeemed.
For Emberlyn Ann age 5 Angels swim and dance and make presents for all the children glitter and pearls and shine and treasure and flowers and birds beautiful things and loveliness With grace and elegance they walk their ways to the well and drink.
For Andrea Frankfurt. I hear a fine distant drum beating calling all angels to the dance. They enter the circle on gossamer wings crystal shoes and soundlessly. Cast your dice; I see arise fairies and elves and all manner of joys in the trees and the shades mushrooms and dancing fast. Andrea replies: what a surprise this morning to receive your beautiful poem! thank you very much, I love it ( Once i stayed at the Findhorn Foundation and I did a Shamanic Yourney to the upper world, and there I met the most beautiful goddess I have ever seen, surrounded by children holding stars in their hands and she said to me: Starchild - Go out in the world and D a n c e Love and Light in and around you, andrea
For Emanuel Gene Coffey. Still born A light is shining Tis E. to you. Reaching hands in love reaches out to you. Another world calls, songs of angels who care rain of light tears falling each true, each clear.
For Sarah 45 years in the rays of the sun is deep enrichment, enchantment, encouragement, angels, waiting. A lady looks up sun is source light is weaving. dancing, calling, joy is waiting. In tumult and storm passing in chaos and hope fading breath remains constant coming and going across the bridge of rainbows singing.