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Showing posts with the label angel essences
Poem for Nathaneal . Age 18 Pale-ing into Light on a desert morning with a wafting breeze and a heavy dew, an angel alights on a flower, magic is weaving on the strings of the day, singng dwells in the insects display. A rider forges his way, riding, into the moment. His path is carved by the power in Love by the courage of One who lets go of dismay. His heart soars of newfound Glory. His essence becomes his Day as it wafts in the oily breeze.
How to make an angel essence. Tools needed; 1 plain clean glass or bowl, unused ever, with no markings or etchings on the sides. 1 unused clean bottle with dropper 15ml or 25 ml Some very pure water, perhaps distilled water The Stages. 1. summon an angel in some way. Here using an angel signature. 2. do the angel’s dance 3. upon completion of the dance create the essence. 4. Store the essence. This will be what is called the Mother tincture. 1. About angel signatures What is a Signature? Every light being has a signature. Your signature of your name uniquely identifies you. You have written it via the movement of your hand. It carries your vibration. One can get a feeling of you from your signature. In the angel's world, in the world of light beings, all is vibration. All is movement. All is dance. There is no Matter here as such. Here, the signature of any being, is akin to a vibration. In actual fact, in the world of Light, this signature, this vibration is also that being. (This...