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Showing posts with the label teenager poem
Night angel, poem by a teenager, Briar Misty night Creepy shadows. Heaps of noises. Scary light, Sky sinking. Trees and plants. Mist Rising up Into the sky.
For Phyllis age 15 The sun rose again last night a different rose a different sun that might turn the tables on a distant shore eching to the forefront. An angel flies all around with wisdom and wit and sharp barbs. She is bringing many gifts for that table on which dwells heartsoft balms whispering across time delivering music, sounds of the winter. Another angel bears fruits, plucked from ripe trees waiting for the feast when Clarity shall call and all will be revealed as if of yesterday. She has much to say to you, revolving Earth ancestor plants wings of joy and shells You must ask of opportunities gone by.

The angel's feather

the angel’s feather blows across the wide skies. it falls at my feet to my surprise. it intrigues me. it warms me. it warns me, that love is coming that truth is foretold and that I am witnessed. i am a witness to love, angel love of feathers keen. Light feathers keening to be with me. Prayer for a teenager
Poem for a troubled teenager. * Shake back the limits to immediate expression. * Take courage and fire all cylinders go. * Meld back the loads that dreams would stick on you. * Conquer resistance to forging you forward. * Shake out the cobwebs and dust of those past * Attune to the moon and wonder at stars * And then know your heart can listen you onwards * to purpose and meaning and blessings at last.