for Evie age 19 months an angel came down from above. she held my hand, I was walking. She made me laugh. I tickled. She smiled. I smiled. a song was singing, a very long song. All day and all night I listened to the angel singing her song ‘Flower’ (later I found out she had just learned to say the word ‘flower’) for Corie age 16 when love and laughter mix and fruit trees grow strong angels sing and dance from daylight till dawn songs of hope, songs of joy, songs of peace, that it may be a source of strength for all who pass Grace-ful-ly. for Abbe age 2 rain falls down. an angel rises up. a snail finds its way. little birds are singing. grass is growing strong. Love is in the Day, and in the Night. for Ryan age 6 in the olden days flowers grew tall and filled with love, and perfume. an angel and a dove on a boat sailed together. such are stories such are so...
Personal Angel Poems with angel signatures especially for children of all ages. A gift for them.