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Angel Poems book

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About this Book - 100 pages illustrated with snowflakes
(from back cover)
Poems channelled from the guardian angels
and Raphael, Archangel of Healing and of the Earth,
for real people.

They are simple, profound, refreshing and revealing.

They reveal aspects of the angel life previously unknown such as how to approach angels and how to let the angel influence inspire us into creativity and beauty.

There is a whole range of presentations that will open many realms for the reader and read-to alike. There are angel poems for babies, for children, for young teens, for teenagers, for the mature, for the soul and for the departed.

In the angel world vibration is the key. By attuning to the feeling in these poems one can be transported back into the angel’s domain, our Heaven on Earth.

About the author."Allan is a deeply spiritual man and a natural angel shaman. Some shamans beat their drums or shake their rattles. Allan in his quiet unassuming way calls up the angelic spirits." Steve Schuitevader Ph.D. (Process-Oriented Psychology)