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Showing posts with the label sunrise poem
New Day is coming. An angel would sing in the morning as birds watch by. Two feathers fall from her graceful wings, messages from the departed. Various melodies are calling out the angel’s name. Various paths back to her heart love’s refrain. And in that morning mist when all around seems filled with danger, future dreams are lurking waiting for the moment when paths shall cross. Their Light shall form New Day. New Day is Coming. For Topaz age 21

Story without end angel poem for Carolyn 51

Joy is like water that runs smoothly downhill over grass, and weeds, and flowers all the same . An angel carries an urn filled with birds, and treasures and messages and when she glimpses sunrise her heart opens up like a flower and her feet dance as in the snow and all the ancestors stand up in surprise and clap . A Vague moon showers its peace and doves fly over . Story-without-end . by Angelman Raphael