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Showing posts from April, 2008
For Alina (baby) A heart is asking, singing ‘true love, true love’ And a fire is burning in the heart ‘true love, true love’ An angel walks by. Peace remains. ‘true love, true love’ Out of the sunset Little sparks of passion ‘true love, true love’ Upliftment is her name ‘transform, transform”
For Mike. Singapore. a song is singing, a bird. an angel is flying, the bird. rain is growing, a flower. behind things is living, peace. in the dark is light, waiting. in the morning is sun rising. in Clarity is the Keenness, to go on.
For Rain pleasing pleasant pleasure steps in the change A golden staircase One walks down. A love boat waits river soon to cross The sun comes up Reverence.
For Claire an angel bright shines her light across a wide sea. her hands -her prayers her heart - her guide her answer - sound. sound of leaves falling sound of water rushing sound of hair flying in wind sound of ancestors calling ‘Happiness , to you. Happiness , to you.’

for Amaprana

For Amaprana Gentle rain falls just reaching earth. An angel is thinking ‘a mystery is here’ Two wings I may have to rise in the sound two hands I may have to join things as one two tears they may come so easi-ly. I dance and I dance and all things go on they go on and go on on and on.
Miranda Belfast age 24 a heart of gold, a morning walk, leaves falling , dew shining. An angel is out, and about. * all trees bow, all stars await, all seeds stir, all sounds listen. all knees bend, all hearts ache, all ears hear, all souls wake. Truth abounds awe delivers. the shining ones, ** live here.
For Robert Amherst age 43 A mast appears above horizon’s warmth. An anchor waits in ocean’s depths. Two birds are cooing each to each. The mission is complete, now, sun is spreading love.