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for Amber; transition

When the world was round ,               and hearts were square,   everything was not as it is,   An article of faith                     resumed tirelessly   rolling out grace, Sometimes a transition is offensive, a chore,   Sometimes a gift, a shore, Then all the birds sing                          and dance comes easy. A peaceful Way              prospers the Great. Though frought with frost                          forwardness...

fro Tlai age 15 Radiance.

A master awaits      inside of you, as you open      as a clam opens                  to breathe. This instigation                    begins              Unfolding   as petals on a rose   or waves on sea                breathing life                        into a Day,         or Sunrise, for Talia age 15.

for bree; Great fortune,

as you walk by               flowers nod                    in greeting, a river winds its way             to the sea, a gull calls     as it flies   an angel     alights on a rock Great fortune. For Bree.

A girl called ‘Muve’

when she walks                 rain falls as   teardrops, lightning gathers                in its residency ready to unleash like a spell              past cast. and a snake waits.                    its venom waits for the uncoiling                 in the dance that brings Grace,                  Transmutation                              and thunder.

A girl called “Flowers”

She comes with colors in the morning light, and in the evening, when the moon is full. She brings me warmth. She brings gifts. They are the flowers , and the colors. I follow her with my eyes as she glides        from spot to spot as a bee but with a wand that brings to life the shades.

Civilisation of Light.

  In the times,          gone past rose a wellspring of Light,                 furiously generating,                         weaving and enmeshing                issuing forth. A New World was born,                  a new respect. Out of Nothing poured Love, poured Truth, poured Freedom. Machineries of Light               came into existence manifold treasures                        ...

Olivia 8 months

A river and a valley,   up     and     down, up we go, down we go in      and      out, over    and      around ( developing spatial orientation and awareness of growth.)

for Cathy

in the valley of the departed by the stream of the brilliant in the heart of the sun’s shine,   journeys the maid                          and her honor. an owl cries out. a dog barks.   and the moon sways.

for Chase age 3 years

in the end,          and in the beginning,   in the swaying                 of the limbs                              in the trees a sled goes by            and a rain falls dowm   and a boy laughs.

for Bree, mother of Olivia and Chase.

river of joy. grass is so green   as   I lay me down to the Earth. I   bow   to the moon and stars   above. I give my Respect. Breath comes so easily, ceaselessly                                  and rhythmically.


in the end all things are created equal. one day, a dozen days. angels give birth , and fly. the moon gives joy, and mysteries. a soul sings in the prayer                                            and the hands light up.

for Angel age 8 months

A day goes by,                       a sun, an egg hatches,   an angel sings. Can you hera the angel singing?   Can you sing her song? Al ashes   (this is a song to sing to her).

for Sahand.

in the Light             surfing        wave after wave, and the Light           is embracing,                         comforting. Know the essence                              of Self. Know the essence                       of all things, Know the maker, and Be,          the Life    Existence. flying.

for Zahra; An army of angels.

for Kaaren, Crucifying angel

Future Angels Now.

  Time does not exist. We are defined by our birth and the timeline that goes from birth to death. There is no way we can have death then go to birth. But we can have a rebirth, and a near death experience. But a timeline does exist that goes from death to birth and that is the one our guardian angel is approaching us from. We expect to meet them after our death when we go to heaven but that heaven can be now. That timeline is a parallel timeline but an opposite direction. It is a counter-timeline. When we are at peace with ourselves, then we can enter into both timelines at once. The past to the future, and the future to the past. In this way we can ‘remember’ our future, and so it will no longer be a Grand Mystery nor shall we fear it but embrace it in acceptance. As we enter into the timeline of an angel the gifts it has for us, as we transition, we can receive. There are many gifts. Many more than at Christmas. And as we use them in our lives we can be fulfille...

for Roya

for Siobhan

for Juelei

when the sun comes up over the hill and gentle rain begins to fall, one begins to see the transitions. the grass is greener. the sky is bluer. the smile is bigger. the heart is singing.     and alive.

Spirit of Woodgate beach qld.

Spirit of River Una

Brumby sanctuary spirit ( a prayer)

Great wisdom, whispering  on winds. flow of eternities in the airs. rose of great blessing in the sun. green of greengrass on the earth. horse heaven. galloping. Amen. to the future . A.M.

for Louise- Heart

I shall become you in the time most foremost. When the sands are running long  and the shadows play. Where dreams come true, and last. And the Great Spirit walks regally and proud. You and I shall dance the times and efforts and grave concerns and find their true nature, beyond ken, beyond kin. and the waves will come down, smashing and changing and shifting and cleansing, waves of great Light following waves of wonder with singing waves of Significance. Heart.

for Felicity age 7

As I lay my head down upon the pillow, a nice surprise enfolds me, as loving arms, warm heart and fresh eyes. I lay upon my pillow and the ice melts,  and the candle flickers and the long hot day disappears.  I dream of nights with birds of coolness, glowing embers from the fire, and mistletoe. a light shines from across a distant valley glimpsing and changing like a long lost message. Oh could I find my way, in this parade. All around I look but caring remains, and I fold up my easel, for  a new day is breaking on the sands of my time.

for helen; Neverending

In prayers there are answers, so many answers, coming from within. a being could be overwhelmed by those, day-in day-out. But the peace one finds in the River, has no end, or beginning. it just goes on and on and on, continuously, contiguously, neverending.

Spirit of Gold

All colors come out of the Sun, rising and falling in cadence. in one long last look it sighs, home is so rich, so pure. I am just a small atom coming from a big source, but I am Gold.

Spirit of Mallacoota (town in Victoria).

Love graces the Day, in the early morning mists. A cicada is born and the world begins its song. In nurturing and in insistence Time gives its meaning, and it all flows on. Giving. and Forgiving.

for Michael , on his birthday 20th October 2013; 66

Invincible. Breath.. Peace and Satisfaction. Choirs of Angels singing, Hallelujah. Basking in the Sun and shades. Listening to the wind and Waves. Singing of the Love. These are special moments on the Walk and Talk of a Life completing itself. Complete in itself. Messages; Aboriginal . Graves. abound. There. Two times tango (message on the airwaves)

Poem for grandfathers.

A grandfathers influence. A space was between. Flowers were prayers. A life was in construction, and all the the petals were shining. Lo and behold. ARRIVAL.

for Riley age 4

 A child sleeps in the arms of a good angel. She holds him with her heart, strokes his brow and says 'I am here. with you. always. She sings all night until he wakes. A day begins. a

Poem for Mt Baldie

There is a bend in the day as you walk on this, Time's mountain. There is eating, there is merry, there is crimson there is dawn. I go, not ashamed of the fire, lying deep in thy core. Today there are leaves, there are trees, there are rivers. Many times they have come over Ages. But I sit here in mysolitary, and the fire burns.  I am warm.

Poem for Nattalie

in the origin of things, a small flower is a bright light, a tiny rose has  a great spirit, and a leave, as it falls, has a loud sound, on the wind. Each moment is like a drop, that makes a life an ocean, and each heart swells with the Love, to be Mighty.