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And the Earth Lives on, for Virginia age 29

when        the sun             shines and all the worlds                      ablaze I will cherish you              in your heart and dissolve away                                  the past. Mysteries unfold            and the Earth                             lives                    ...

The grass grows Lush

A star      falls           from heaven and coordinates                  the day.   an angel rises up            and becomes                      the Light                             shining. she carries you        across,                  Ages,       across              stor...

Angel poem for those who have cancer;

Thornrider; in time entwined in leaves and in thorns a Rose is comfort to a Heart that cares, and on Earth comes the rains. Be a cancer to the cancer; Prem Rawat.

You are Angel.

For Byron age 8 You are Angel. There is   a song in the distance like thunder and a call that says ‘come closer, I want to hear you, You are Angel’

Angel fish

for Alazee; baby in the sea is a small rock and a fish., with  a mummy, called Angel fish. iI swims in the waves and is happy.

Angel Shimmers

for Thallasa age 2 Angel shimmers. A rainbow smiles across the hills and  a bird sings happily. Angels  are everywhere,  shimmering.

for nicola

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for yada and fran

listen to this here. for Fran

For Rosalind age 35

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for terri, Arizona: an angel comes walking

Listen to this here signature looks  like a tulip in prayer  we are answered in the arms of love we are enfolded in the flames of passion we are resurrected in flowers  we are harmonised. beyond the realms of laughter, within the chance of wisdom, an angel comes walking                                    to Earth How are signatures related to angels? You draw the signature . This calls the angel.  Watch  Video on angel signatures

for Ritza: may the fairies dance:

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The World flowers: for Hana's son.

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For Hana age 34

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for Carol: The Earth Dances too.

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Aspergers angel : Poem

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for desley; angel charity

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sun's heart= for Neaka age 42

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for Lauryn age 7

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For Lorraine , LONDON

for Kala

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for Ann G, on her birthday

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the angels' embrace

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jaxon age 3, tayah age 9

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charlotte age 2

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for Jamie age 20

for Sharon, age 40 click to view larger image

for Kayla age 11

for Bonnie age 13

angel  Break a flute is singing  a snake to rise, rising up into the sky as an angel would  and fly. out of the sun tears are falling passionate tears of years of Love and a break   is made
Nellien age 39 A rose comes down. an angel calls out. a dance begins. Day is coming. an angel sings Magic is around trees grow tall Love is King.
for Chelsea age 18 in the midst of true Life and the heart of true Love a  song can be heard faintly calling. a sparkling song of what is to come shedding tears spreading joy telling ancients (secrets)

opening the hands of Light

for laura age 14 opening the hands of Light, singing in a lightning  strike, listening  to the sounds  of night, fading as the swallows  flight, aching for the lion’s  might.