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The sun comes shining through in the morning just like you. Many angels stir. Love is in the air soon dancing. An angel has a conch. It calls the Sun to rise and the night to fall. Many days can go by in this way some changing, some same. Rhythm unfolds trees grow flowers open grass sings sun is happy. Back to sun again! For Felicity age 3
Yielding to the Light is good fortune. Growing in the Light is Truth. Journey goes on into Light unfolding. Laughter is a scent across Time dancing. For my father

For aaron age 26

Swinging in the universe ocean. Laughing in the sunlight. Listening to God’s flute. Calling across the Ages. A diamond hovers before you. A chance to be welcomed. Future generations Clear.

For Michael

In the rain and the snow, in the asking and in the folding. Love is the conquerer. There are ribbons of light streaming through the hair of an angel, pathways of love and desir e leading to the hearts where the quest is to find true need, and true requite. A challenge is presented in the turning and in the morning. A child grows strong freed from the restraints of the night gone. Michael age 50
For Star 1, child yet to be born In summer a bird sings. It asks of the Light. It calls, the Light. An angel sings. ‘Enchantment’ fills the air. A flute plays, fairies are following. Thunder is heard. Lightning is striking. Earth celebrates rain, celebrates Life unheard of.
For Star 2 yet to be born A star is born. It yields to Life, the rising of the tides, night, and the Home. An angel calls out ‘Come soon, come soon, come closer, I am warm in the Love that we share. I am certain.’ At last, a precious moment that is all moments. All angels in that moment rise. ‘applause’ is heard in all circles. A heart is filled with Joy.
For catherine age 82 There is rain and stars and True Love. There is sparks and fire and walking. There is rolling hills, thunder, and gold, hidden in the hands and the stories and the times. There is magic waiting everywhere. There are flowers.
For Grace rose age 5 When the rains come down and the tears fall I will be holding you Firm in my wings. I will step in the Shadows before you. You can count on me 1,2,3,4,5,6….. Among the flowers I am the sweetest. Among the stars I am the brightest. And in the Day I am purest, pure as gentle snow.
For Lisa in the morning and in the evening a bird calls out "Arise". All angels are here all around you in the mist and in the sunlight and in the story. Listen for that small call that says ‘come, follow’. Let your heart be free, be joined. The angels are in Love, and go in Kindness and gentleness and understanding. ‘arise, awake, now.’ Dance.
For Kiwi age 40 I ask for Trueness in Love and affairs of the Heart. I ask for Joy. I enjoy the Beauty of my Existence. It surrounds me, nurtures me and provides for me. I am Sure and my goals are True. I go in Peace and ask for the Company of Angels. I am Feather.
For Rory age 25 There is no answer. There is no question There never was. There was only Love, and Time and more of it. There were birds and flowers and bees and a Heart beating closely. There is rhythm in the rain. Ther is rhythm in the night. There is dance. This is Hope.
The Love that goes with you is more than words, more than tears and more than hope. In years to come as in years gone by Peace will prevail. A golden globe heralds a new coming as hearts reach out, do tell. For Levi
Night angel, poem by a teenager, Briar Misty night Creepy shadows. Heaps of noises. Scary light, Sky sinking. Trees and plants. Mist Rising up Into the sky.
A star is born, is free. An angel sings, is free. A chime is heard. Bells ring out. ‘Peace on Earth’ ‘Peace to all brothers And sisters.’ Love For Brooke boy age 10
A song is sung. It is the past. An angel sings. It is pure. The sun comes up. It is a dance. Embrace the dance. Embrace the light, Ask to be given. For Frankie age 14
A heart is made of love is like a flower with leaves is like a laugh with smiles is like a cross with wings is like a sun with sunshine is like hope For Nathan age 11
A rose grows where nobody knows, hidden in a quiet place. A bird sings, ‘Be free, rise to your highest’ Clouds may come and clouds may go but peace is a perfume that all may smell of it wise and true. For Briar age 13
Hands are divine, divine hands. Life is divine, divine life. A creator has passion, passionate life. Merge in peace, merge in Light. A star is then born. Guiding spirit. Age 80


Deliverence for Margaret age 40 A song comes down, is sung, is Light. A heart reaches out tis Day, no Night. A dream is shared angel’s wings angel’s might And a gift is brought into being Life. This cannot be matched under Heaven and Earth. This truth has been granted, and a blessing to health. Deliverance is here. Guard it, know it well as it sings through the universe Joy electrique.
For Jaani in the land of love in the sea of song in the moon of light in the ache. In rhythm in tune in the patter of feet In rain In the enthusiam at the brink in the ooze and in the breeze In jumping in shadows in welcomes in sadness, an angel is passing phases, passing on passing over passing back the parcel that is Love fulfilled over and over.
For Angelika When the dew falls in the sun shine and an angel calls across time Flowers grow and wilt and are known. their music plays so sweet in colours and in rhymes, in fables and in legends long held.
For Eileen age 60 The winds blow Solemn across the desert . A moon rises shining in the sand A heart aches for freedom and a light carries One Across the night. As a bird shadow is an angel. The cup of love is overflowing, the hands are full and the flower is a rainbow caller to the sun.

Mother's Day Poem

Dear Mother, When I was all alone you gave me comfort, when I was sick and sorry you gave me warmth. When I was too tired to walk you carried me. I appreciate these things though that time has long gone. And now when I rise in the morning my legs are strong on the Earth and I know the job was done well. You were the first, and best doctor of my heart and its wishes. I thank you.
Spirit of Place poem Newcastle. Australia 13.2.08 its been a long time coming . it will be a long time gone. hands in prayer across the sea, hearts and flowers on the water, magic in the air.
For Helen and her children saved from the river by an angel person. A breeze falls. Current swings Two arms to hold one breath to take. At last we make the sweetest ache. An old one calls through and delivers unto you. The angel is an ancestor who set up the whole situation to try to make you aware of its beneficence and blessing. angelman
For Vicki. a single flower is as a heart in paradise. it shades, and it fades, and it blooms, and it shines. all eyes stretch to heaven to receive the embrace of the Sun and the Light and the beams on the Land. crossing is such a sweet bliss.. crossing begets crossing and more Strength in the gain. Love rules the World where angel shadows fall in circles on white ...
For BBsue. I saw an angel by the side of the road. I saw its hair and it glowed. In its two hands I beheld a flower, my flower, of my Life. I asked for its name. it said “Sue, just like you. I am your mirror, I am your twin. Reflect in me. Give me breath, your breath. Answer my prayers, for your prayers are my prayers. Answer my heart, we are One heart Always all ways.’ All wings are of Light, for shaping, and shaking we rise as One. Go on my wings of light. Ride on my stream, slip-stream. Awaken with my Conch sleeping hearts, sleepy ones. Caress with my feathers the low ...

Poem from child died of cancer.

Message from Madison from a Medium A rain came and the sun was lit and all the prayers were answered. I am safe inside this heaven with an angel of love. Peace is all around me and you are in my heart and I long for you to know my true love for you.
For Alina (baby) A heart is asking, singing ‘true love, true love’ And a fire is burning in the heart ‘true love, true love’ An angel walks by. Peace remains. ‘true love, true love’ Out of the sunset Little sparks of passion ‘true love, true love’ Upliftment is her name ‘transform, transform”
For Mike. Singapore. a song is singing, a bird. an angel is flying, the bird. rain is growing, a flower. behind things is living, peace. in the dark is light, waiting. in the morning is sun rising. in Clarity is the Keenness, to go on.
For Rain pleasing pleasant pleasure steps in the change A golden staircase One walks down. A love boat waits river soon to cross The sun comes up Reverence.
For Claire an angel bright shines her light across a wide sea. her hands -her prayers her heart - her guide her answer - sound. sound of leaves falling sound of water rushing sound of hair flying in wind sound of ancestors calling ‘Happiness , to you. Happiness , to you.’

for Amaprana

For Amaprana Gentle rain falls just reaching earth. An angel is thinking ‘a mystery is here’ Two wings I may have to rise in the sound two hands I may have to join things as one two tears they may come so easi-ly. I dance and I dance and all things go on they go on and go on on and on.
Miranda Belfast age 24 a heart of gold, a morning walk, leaves falling , dew shining. An angel is out, and about. * all trees bow, all stars await, all seeds stir, all sounds listen. all knees bend, all hearts ache, all ears hear, all souls wake. Truth abounds awe delivers. the shining ones, ** live here.
For Robert Amherst age 43 A mast appears above horizon’s warmth. An anchor waits in ocean’s depths. Two birds are cooing each to each. The mission is complete, now, sun is spreading love.

Angel Poems book

contact angelman at Click here for free copy of front cover of Angel Poems Book (pdf) Click here for free copy of back cover of Angel Poems Book(pdf) About this Book - 100 pages illustrated with snowflakes for free page views Angel Poems book click here (from back cover) Poems channelled from the guardian angels and Raphael, Archangel of Healing and of the Earth, for real people. They are simple, profound, refreshing and revealing. They reveal aspects of the angel life previously unknown such as how to approach angels and how to let the angel influence inspire us into creativity and beauty. There is a whole range of presentations that will open many realms for the reader and read-to alike. There are angel poems for babies, for children, for young teens, for teenagers, for the mature, for the soul and for the departed. In the angel world vibration is the key. By attuning to the feeling in these poems one can be transported back in...
for baby age 1 a rose goes out from a small seed. an angel carries the rose that is in the breath of a small child. many flowers come out from this roseplant, many puffs of love As a flame rises from a candle so a life rises from itself. A calm comes down to its centre. That calm honors the Earth and the Oceans. Its a baby’s calm.