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Shaun 27 years

A valley of light, and gold awaits you. Life, and pleasure abound. Birds sing, children are happy. Be firm, resolved Conquer. Honor the Law, Nature’s Law. Shaun 27 years

Peppa age 40 years

Light is coming out. This is my chariot. This is my heart. This is life, as you know it, and as you don’t know it. This is a wealth, and this is wisdom. Light is coming out. This is my chariot. This is my heart. This is life, as you know it, and as you don’t know it. This is a wealth and this is a wisdom. Peppa age 40 years

Female age 40 years

This is a dance. This is Life. This is a bird, twittering ‘peace’. It is a peace bird. A passion comes down and sings the tree, into Life. This is a gift, from the ancient’s pool, Light. Female age 40 years

Female age 28 years

This is a river, and a road. Honor the road god And the river goddess. This is the song, you are singing, to the night sky. This is the path of your life, your mirror, your story. ‘ I am the Light of Love’s Residence in the Heart.’ Female age 28 years

(male) 32 years

Smoke rises up, and then comes down. A star shines. A cloud hovers. Giving is receiving, to you, a life extended, as a hand, is raised, slightly. An ear is like a shell. Love shells. (male) 32 years

Lady 34 years

This is a river, and the waves are high. They say ’welcome, we love you’ God’s tears come down to Earth for passion and pleasure expression and love. And the spirit light spreads to all the corners.

Kelly 30 years

This is a river, and this is a road. Between the river and the road, is my Passion, and my Sun. This is my Star, and this star is my Guide, and this is my Earth. Kelly 30 years

Warwick (in wheelchair) 35 years

There is a far-distant sign that challenges us to forgive in accordance with the true knowledge. Listen, I beseech thee. Hear, the winds of change unravelling in the corn. Listen, for the still beating heart as it surges for life. Aim, the arrow of the voice that requests ‘harken’. Demand the Day. Warwick (in wheelchair) 35 years

Age 11 years (boy)

Peace is with you. This is a song I am singing ‘and the river runs on’ and I love this song and I feel peace. I think of you as a diamond – valuable. I will teach you how to love all people, perfectly. Age 11 years (boy)

Aimee 4 years

This is the sky, this is a cloud, this is the ground. And then the ground smiles up at the sky, and then the cloud rains down in the sky, and then the river flows to the sea. Aimee 4 years

Gabrielle 11 years

In you, is a well-spring of love delicious and pure, like water. In you, is a lesson(waiting), that creates, imagery. In you, are ancestors Beloved And strong. In you, are wings Of pure light Shining Find them all And fly. Gabrielle 11 years

Joanne 39 years

The sword of faith becomes the rule. There is a Strength That is not seen or heard, not invisible not gold. There, is a sun that always shines glistening on waters. Cherish freedom. Joanne 39 years

Connie 26 years

Welcome. To be with you is to be free. Take this glass of life and run. Know that the wind and waves will never fail you. The picture is of health, and delight. Be free. Connie 26 years

Kathleen 25 years

There is a sweetness all around you, and mirth. An angel must have seen you, She smiles. A master saw you. He remembers. A goddess saw you, and danced, with the fairies. Kathleen 25 years

Mitchell 24years

There is a path, a hidden path With by-ways, and high-ways. There is an air, that breathes of itself, light. There is a challenge That brings on life, free. It is Passion. Mitchell 24years

Carmine age 31

As a rose falls, So a heart grows, True love. This determines the path of The arrow That falls Where the eye is looking already. Make proud(things) Make light (things) This is the road. (be assured) Carmine age 31

Leanne 29 years

Within the domain of the heart Is a memory Of true love’s desires. Once affixed Twice returned, Unto thee, unto thee. I give…………..(all secrets) (all saints)……………responding. (christ cross) Leanne 29 years

Irene age 37

There is a peace tree. By night and day it sings its love to the sun, the moon and the stars. The wind is its dance partner. And the birds, it swims with in the ocean of blessing, and of leaves rustling. Irene age 37

Hellen 40 years

I am telling you something very secret, Peace overflowing with Love. The river of the hills, rushes on. The river of the leaves, whispers. The clouds call. Transformation is upon you. Wings grow. Be free Hellen 40 years

Tori 9 years

There is a door. And the rain comes down. The eagles fly. Then the sun shines. I am waiting with my gifts, of love, for you. Learn of them, and use them. Ask me. Tori 9 years