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Showing posts from April, 2016

for Amber; transition

When the world was round ,               and hearts were square,   everything was not as it is,   An article of faith                     resumed tirelessly   rolling out grace, Sometimes a transition is offensive, a chore,   Sometimes a gift, a shore, Then all the birds sing                          and dance comes easy. A peaceful Way              prospers the Great. Though frought with frost                          forwardness...

fro Tlai age 15 Radiance.

A master awaits      inside of you, as you open      as a clam opens                  to breathe. This instigation                    begins              Unfolding   as petals on a rose   or waves on sea                breathing life                        into a Day,         or Sunrise, for Talia age 15.

for bree; Great fortune,

as you walk by               flowers nod                    in greeting, a river winds its way             to the sea, a gull calls     as it flies   an angel     alights on a rock Great fortune. For Bree.

A girl called ‘Muve’

when she walks                 rain falls as   teardrops, lightning gathers                in its residency ready to unleash like a spell              past cast. and a snake waits.                    its venom waits for the uncoiling                 in the dance that brings Grace,                  Transmutation                              and thunder.

A girl called “Flowers”

She comes with colors in the morning light, and in the evening, when the moon is full. She brings me warmth. She brings gifts. They are the flowers , and the colors. I follow her with my eyes as she glides        from spot to spot as a bee but with a wand that brings to life the shades.

Civilisation of Light.

  In the times,          gone past rose a wellspring of Light,                 furiously generating,                         weaving and enmeshing                issuing forth. A New World was born,                  a new respect. Out of Nothing poured Love, poured Truth, poured Freedom. Machineries of Light               came into existence manifold treasures                        ...