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Showing posts from June, 2013

Wonga Beach -angel poem; an angel gives a life.

poem title; An angel gives a life. I have in my hand a great jewel. it is a life, living and breathing. I cast it to the wind. it begins its journey, ebbing and flowing in the sands of Time. to take up residence and serve so well.

Pali Lookout -angel; This Greatness.

To sing of sweeter things, of times gone by. to understand      the shifting airs where birds fly, to appoint the truth      to be law-maker. to live      in the peaceful dome               Blue Sky. Ancestors would wish this.                 and covet, and those before,             and before, who came        and pondered             this greatness. This Greatness.

Lia angel; New Ways,Leaves.

A day begins. in questions. an answer is in the air. the veil has been parted. Many veils. so begins the peaces that stretch eternity way beyond  outer limits. New smiles are beginning. New ways. Leaves.

Monea #3; Time-eternal.

She gives her blessing. I drink her flower. a bird to the nectar. the stars all light up. she knows their way, and the essence of Dew falls remarkably  Golden. In the Light I gather myself for the Love that is to be. She is waiting.                                                             Time- eternal.

A pearl was made-Earth for Erin.

in days gone by a swan sailed across a long blue sea silently watched by the sun god. an angel alighted to ride the barren shores a world came into richness, and a pearl was made Earth.

Yet there are angels- for Aran age 11

Yet there are angels. In seeds and flowers they give growth and beauty. They give Light of Day. They give stars of Nigt. They give luminescence of Sea. They give warmth of the fire. They give form and shape, and make the clouds meet, and complete.

and the dance begins - for hallie age 5

 a boat sails on a big ocean. an angel is in the sails. she blows the boat to reach the destination when it anchors in the bay safe. The lights come down, stars are they, and the angel begins her song. (Hallie begins to sing). "Welcome," to the angel world.

A boy with a flute; for jesse age 8/9

 in the forest where dwells night and creatures, a boy with a flute calls to them in Joy. an angel is by his side and whispers the song to him as he walks. His heart is full as he braves the night, and the wind answers I am here. can you hear me? Do you know, my name? and all names.

a heart aches- for Alva Beach Qld

so many stars make up a night, so much sand to make up a beach. so much wisdom makes up a life teeming with waters of knowledge, and fluidity. Trees and wind and fire. and a heart aches, to be close, and grow.

And the Mountain came; For Seaforth beach Qld.

 in the air hangs a great bird frozen in time and place. A lone call is met by a silence so long and still. and the bees came and the birds came and the rain came and the sun came and the mountain came and the caves, her flower

the hidden gift; for Annick.

 in every breath is  a hidden gift that a thief would covet. as the breath rises a rainbow appears in the mist. But  when the day breaks the thief flees to a distant shore. And the rain will come pouring on my head from places unknown, And the ancestor dance begins, day-in day-out breath-in breath-out Almighty Compassion, Almighty Light.