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Showing posts from October, 2009

For Patricia age 26 Vienna

Click here to listen to this poem Lest we forget: angel poem when the rain comes down and all the world is sleeping an angel walks among us with a magic wand of silver showers, stars and pink love dust. She binds our eyes and then we can know heavenly sounds, and we can know and see beauty as the sun rises. lest we forget. Signature of angel below

Welcome Alicia

Listen to this poem here Welcome, and welcoming you are. as a tear falls down so the rain comes down  and a name comes down  to welcome. Alicia. As a moon rises as a sun sets on a sea  so we carry you  to your destiny. What may come, what may go, let the Love decide. The Love  that is a river running slowly  down to that Sea that is Life and Life magnificent. may it be yours. in all glory. your angel Instructions:  Say the poem and draw the lines of the signature over the child in the air.  Leave out the cross at the bottom . That is for later. It is passion for Earth.