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Showing posts from December, 2007
Christmas healing angel poem. The Hands of Christ. The Power and the Time. Passion for Earth. Ancestors for Earth. The Golden Crossing. The Silver Crossing. A Window to Love. A Window to Truth. Gravity.

The angel's feather

the angel’s feather blows across the wide skies. it falls at my feet to my surprise. it intrigues me. it warms me. it warns me, that love is coming that truth is foretold and that I am witnessed. i am a witness to love, angel love of feathers keen. Light feathers keening to be with me. Prayer for a teenager
Christ poem I was crying hard cause I had no children. I realized snow was beginning to fall, and when I looked up the trees and the mountains were listening and so were the saints gathered round as galaxies
Little star, star of Christ, and angels. Lights come out bright as day. A bird walks by, and wakes the sleeping fairies of the forest( then I dance with them) angel poem for Olivia 4 years
A star rises. A chord is struck. A flower sheds petals. A voice calls loud. A mother cries for her baby. A basket is rocked. Angels sing so heavenly. The Christ appears. This is Christmas, for giving, forgiving. Larissa 9 years
in Peace the sun shines in Peace are the hills the angels call to all who may hear hark! a bird calls Peace reigns on Earth today McArthur age 7
Poem for child age 6 years A bird Knows how to fly And a grass Knows how to grow and a heart Knows how to Love and a Soul Knows Peace * even to its deepest places and its oldest friends
For Austen for his Guardian Angel There is a Fountain of Love that springs from God as He speaks as He blesses as He Clarifies. An angel sings of this with Praise and Adoring while all the children on Earth look on and the Sun shines down as the flowers grow tall.
Wedding Poem Bride says lines, Groom says the echo lines something like this I arrange, we arrange (Bride) On this day (groom) The becoming of our Oneness (Bride) On this day (groom) Strengthening us with endeavour and purpose On this day (groom) That Love, Golden Love shall abide more and more within our hearts On this day (groom) That our Spirits may fly On this day (groom) And our dreams be enlivened On this day (groom) And our temple be truth On this day (groom) and our offspring be triumphant On this day (groom) Let their be rejoicing As the angels rejoice In Celebration. Let their be food, for all. Let their be Harkening, and the sounds of Love In all places in our hearts. Let their be Joy. For I am thankful for this chance to share my life with you (husband) and share this with all of you. (and she does a little angel dance and sings maybe) May all the World Know this As I step forward Into this journey, A journey of Honour And a journey of Life And a journey of Hope. May we be...
You are Guest. The snow is falling Snowflakes abound The sound of silence fills my ears So many gifts So many to come I welcome flowers as I welcome breath. and yet all still reigns the Earth as a Flower in my Hand. I am Creator. You are Guest.
The Might is on you. Poem for Sabrina (Andielle) I saw from afar off a shepherd with a flute. His staff lay beside him on the ground where his pillow rested. * With this key in sight many doors are opened, many dimensions. An angel comes with a silver platter and a crown, with food for the journey. ‘Go in Peace’ he says ‘ the journey is long but the Light is Bright. and the Might is on you and the river is calming.'
Let us be Free Angel Poem for passing over. . The rain of Love comes down on all alike And a golden sun shines down on all alike. Let us loosen our Passion for this Time Let us be filled with the Mercy of those who went before. Let us walk Forwards in Peace. Let us cross the Bridge in our Coats of Splendour. Let us be free.
I find smile Poem for child with autism (3) In release I gain. In falling I gain. In play I believe In answer I cry. In Light I find shelter In asking I find hope. In wings I find freedom. In angels I find smile.
Poem for a troubled teenager. * Shake back the limits to immediate expression. * Take courage and fire all cylinders go. * Meld back the loads that dreams would stick on you. * Conquer resistance to forging you forward. * Shake out the cobwebs and dust of those past * Attune to the moon and wonder at stars * And then know your heart can listen you onwards * to purpose and meaning and blessings at last.
a Heart would soar. * For John age 70 Reduced to Tears I flow like water down to a Great Sea. All around are Pebbles and shells and sand. All around is a Great Love. All around is Meaning. An artist would love to paint this and a bird would long to fly in it and a Heart would soar.