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Showing posts from September, 2006

Spirit love poem Donna 33years

A little, (purple) light, feather rested in the heart: innocence and purity. (red) Love , yearned (pink) for a Way (blue) and a Coat was laid out, (pale green) as the Storm (dk green) raged around. A New Wisdom (dk blue) was to be found, soon, as the Angel (white /violet) would , measure-the-depths, come what may. (Yellow sun)

Wedding Poem of Carlie for child

In the marriage of true possibilities rests, an angel, in Waiting. . Her finger points, and a shaft, of light shines, across valleys, across nations. . Her call, is beckoning ‘follow me’; an angel has loosened the veil, between worlds/'happy marriage.' (purple line) . She listens. ‘I am here’, a touch, on lace sleeve/formless wings. (pale blue) . . Let us bow ourselves. Let us bend. A cradle is the arms (pink) holding true/Peace calls. (violet) . A blossom wavers (orange) and an owl hoots. Night holds the reins of the star light, (red) gently. (dk green ) background colour