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angel poem Michael 59 years Taos NM

A man is made In the likeness. (orange column-uprightness) He cherishes (red) his wisdom and holds it so dear. (pale green) A guard he sets (pale blue) to keep over it . (a dragon) An everyday blessing ensues. (dk blue) Out of his Heart (white/violet) comes a wealth, (not spiders) dancing. A Name to be Proud. (dk green)

angel poem Hazell 60 years Vancouver BC Canada (category: spiritual love poems)

Courage and facing towards Day (purple) A true Peace (pale blue) is found – no shame/only gain (red , violet/white) when Love’s (green) conquest is won (one), in the (yellow) final (orange) term. (Green)

angel poem Noeline 80 years Sydney (category: spiritual love poems)

A guardian (purple) flys (red) to the Heart (blue) of the Sight. (yellow) Follow that bird. (pale green) Ride on the wing. Courageous (dk green) are the true colours - soft the wild strains (sounds), of far-off memories(melodies). Hark! A true life is calling (pink) to be Free. (violet/white) (picture shows a perfume rising from a flower)

Pat Nebraska (category: spiritual love poems)

A lady is singing. (violet/white) clarity She calls the four direction (angels). (pale green) joy of living She assumes there are no limits (to peace). (blue) peace Her love is entwined. (red) passion and her heart is valiant. (yellow) wisdom Down comes the rain (of angel bliss), (dk green) Shedding and sharing, (purple) and pairing. (pink) love All good things have partners (dk blue) ancestral blood anciently (since ancient times). This is Law (of land).

Angel poem Helen 42 years (category: spiritual love poems)

A car is a great vehicle (orange) (a spirit body is a vehicle) for travel, (blue) It takes time to decide, (greens) who is coming and who is going. (purple) Mistakes are never made, (yellow) they are assumed. A great prize is a pearl. (white) And a boat goes across the water. (blue) Signature is about shadows and directions and depth awareness. Very Chinese.

Angel poem Karen 48 Sydney Aust.(category: spiritual love poems)

Love, buckets down. (green and blue) (middle level) (forward,backward) A man, (purple) (closest) is called. (pink) Laughter (yellow) is heard, As the sun. (red and white/violet) (back) (sun transformation) sets. Majesty awaits. (emerald , earth and background colour) (about depth awareness at four levels, both visual and auditory) note the ideogram style here again

Spiritual love Poem Lilli 30 years

the rains came and the sun rose and the ache was freed A heart was sure and a garden was growing and a day began to break. Petals were opening. Birds were singing. Waves (of light) were lapping. In the sureness and translucence a maid appears, New Life is calling ‘Home Free’

Spiritual love Poem 40 years

This is the all seeing eye. This is the all pervading love. This is all the animals in the world this is all of the children. This is Love. This is love for Earth. Be wise, wise one. Be clear. Have honour. Have delight. You are Joy.

Spiritual love Poem Sharon age 35

Every ‘life’ way is a symmetry reflecting the true nature of the stars. A maker is born to a unique dye. No dice are cast, no luck, no lottery. ‘Daring’ peeks, appears, and speaks ‘a danger is past, long past’ and the gentle reach of experience tends into an appreciation, passionate, and giving

Angel poem :poem for the departed Baby Jane

The edge of distinction, some extinction . Some bark remains here where was once a tall tree with poppies red, green. a gathering in places exotic with fronds. to sing of shelter hearts a-full full sound resounding echoes free something passes wistfully a butterfly perhaps.

Angel poem :poem for the departed Baby Mark

A day, a night, the rest of it. A song to engage, an over drive. the lee way, ships passing. this is the flower that elicits – crying.

Angel poem :poem for the departed for Phillip Simpenfeider

Angel poem :poem for the departed For Phillip Simpenfeider A caliph and a seraph told their stories. ---- a swallow flits by as a bat, in the day and asks for no more but to be free ------ it glistens, it pulsates it welcomes like light it allows a free move it dwells in no past it rears up like a lizard from the age-old earth its tongue flicking joy and all directions, bow, down.

Angel poem :poem for the departed: Lois Carotte

The defining Passion. The beginning is a blessing wriggling towards the central hub bub. The creative sings and shivers and wrestles with the instincts to survive. A major shadow looms that with a small switch or twitch is hastened to completion. a new Day has begun, defining Passions


FAQ What does it mean? I don’t understand it. With the poem you will get the most benefit from it, and more meaning, if you are able to use gestures, as you say the words out loud: that is, expressing the words in movement. Then you will have a sense of the beauty of it.. To get the full benefit from your angel poem you must savour it. Maybe even eat it, to get the full flavour. The words done as actions will improve the meal. Attempting mental interpretation will not work. They are only for the Heart to consider and lead you on the way into the invisible and unknown realms of the heart and soul. Simple!
Carly Dee 19 years angel poem A rain comes down, joy abounds. Peace is here around dancing its dance in its way. Healing comes to the Heart that’s free. A garden grows here fresh with bright flowers. an angel whispers in this garden ‘today is the day’ ‘Dance, be ready.’
Trevor Dee age 16 angel poem A wind blows, from the sea. An angel rides on the wind. She speaks softly messages of love and hope fulfilled. ‘within this memory of Heart is a deep well of life, of colour, that peace may spring forth over land and sea in song, and delight of all angels, symphonic
Haydn Dee 14 years angel poem Four directions This star , spreads its wings like a giant bird, a low note a sound of beating a cool breeze an ancient memory crisp and secure that one may return, and return again and again, and find the unusual way.

Angel poem for Aiden 13th birthday 10.2.06

smoke rises (orange) in a way that defines the truth (green) and the Passion (red) to be free. (dk blue) On wings of love (pink) and peace (blue) a spirit (emerald) will soar, and feet (yellow) will dance, on Earth.
Raj Obrien 10years angel poem flowing water a peace that surrounds. A natural arch, rainbows in stone. Lightness, of footsteps quietly springing. a hat that speaks, riddles, and long stories of day and night and night and day, of magic and owls.
angel poem for Karl 9 years Category: children’s angel poems walking up a hill of gold a story is told of vigour and heroes. A gate opens expands a note sounds. angels come flying to sit and listen and the stories unfold as the boy and the hero tell the stories of old.
Angel Poem Aaron 7 years Category: children’s angel poems a joy is a bird sitting in a tree singing its song cause it likes to. some hands are held and release light from above and beyond. Peace shatters the night. An angel appears. A message is given (what is the message of the angel today)

Carmen 6 years angel poem: category: children’s angel poem

A snail makes a path to the flower, that sings a song of long joy. A baby knows, about singing, and angels. (After we used the angel signature as an imprint. She could not stop laughing and we joked about making the whole world laugh. This was the ‘long joy’. The last line is to keep her in touch with the inner knowing she had as a baby. Her totem animal helper for this is the snail.)