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Showing posts with the label angel poem
A splay of light arises from the depths as in how a flower grows and a pattern forms that makes the stars go slow in wonder And peace comes down. For Jenny, mother of Steph, Holly and Charlotte
a heart starts from the beginning as a journey into joy would you like a swimming pool? angel says zoey 14 months
This is a Love Heart. This is a Hearts Blood, and perfume. A rose sprouts in any heart that sings of the Heart of Earth, the Lineage of the Rose, and the Spirit wherein angels and eagles dwell. Zahira 45 years

Angel love poem, for Cathy

Memories and echoes I sing for you. I sang childhood songs for you. I waited by your side. I enveloped you, in my joy. This heart of mine beats to your tune. Sweet smelling roses raise ears as the melody rises and rises to crescendo, Memories raise echoes Hard and fast she rises. Tranquility comes again like surprises. A basket is open, a basket is open.

angel love poem for Sandy

in the longing in the mystery of stars and rain falling breathes ancient life, stems as fossil fish and shaking grass and sheltering trees. Shade. Names appear. They are dormant calls from deep waters running joyous, In the One name appears Mercy Attunement Clarity Passion. The old ones are here.
in the haze of summer days glows a long-fire, that smooths the way and eases out the old. A light flickers, twould be a leaf floating down. Earth is cool and made of Love when Peace is kindled. An Angel knows the Way. To be followed.
In the Space between stands a tall Giant, spared, by Love. An angel carries him in his arms, from one side of the World, across to Another. ‘An answer always comes’ he said ‘that Answer is an angel’ He then bent his knee, and was freed. Michael age 40